Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Emilia Clarke in WSJ March 2014: It's Impossible To Please Everyone


With the forth season of her hit HBO series "Game of Thrones" slated to premiere April 6th, Emilia Clarke pitched in on promotions by covering the March 2014 issue of WSJ magazine.
The 26-year-old actress donned designer garbs from Burberry Prorsum and Chloé for the Lachlan Bailey-shot spread while chatting about the show and how she handles disgruntled book fans.
Highlights from Miss Clarke's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to visit WSJ!
On her experience with unhappy fans:
“[There was a guy and] it was his birthday. And he said, ‘Please, Mother of Dragons, sing me 'Happy Birthday.' [After I declined, he said] ‘You’re doing it all wrong, you know? You’re f***in’ it up. I kind of wanted to pursue him and ask for notes: ‘What exactly did you mean?’ But the reality of taking a book and turning it into a television series is that you’re dealing with people’s imaginations. It’s impossible to please everyone.”
On her very first audition:
“I was leaning a folk song in school about a donkey, so I decided to sing that. ‘Do you know anything more current?’ I then gave them my best rendition of the Spice Girls, complete with dance moves – that’s where my musical career ended. It made me realize that I wasn’t quite ready. I think my parents were trying to give me a healthy dose of realism early on.”
on “Game of Thrones’” books:
“It was like having a cheat sheet. I took it everywhere with me and kept referring to it, looking for more clues. It’s the growth of a girl into a woman. She’s being thrown into the deep end, to see if she can sink or swim, and she decides to do it her way. It was wonderful to see a character with such humble beginnings, and such low self-esteem, beginning to trust herself. So my feelings within filming it were echoed – in a much more dramatic way, obviously.”
Photo Credit: Lachlan Bailey for WJS

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