Friday 7 February 2014

Indonesia's Justice Minister to give update on Schapelle Corby's parole bid on Friday at 5pm AEDT

INDONESIA'S Justice Minister Amir Syamsuddin is set to give an update on the progress of Schapelle Corby's parole bid on Friday afternoon, along with that of all the 1700 parole applications on his desk.
Mr Syamsuddin said a media conference would be held at 1pm Jakarta time (5pm AEDT).
He said he expected patience on the part of everyone involved.
New life ... Schapelle Corby will live at the home of her sister Mercedes and brother-in-law Wayan Widyartha after her releas...
New life ... Schapelle Corby will live at the home of her sister Mercedes and brother-in-law Wayan Widyartha after her release.
And Mr Syamsuddin said parole was a right for prisoners who have fulfilled all the requirements and was not something given at the behest of the minister's generosity.
"Incidentally, there are 1,700 applications. In it there is Corby's. But it is still going through the process of evaluation correctional team (TPP) in two days. Tomorrow, Insya Allah, (God Willing) we will know how many of 1,700, (are done)" Mr Symasuddin told reporters outside a hearing of a parliamentary commisssion.
"Actually, events like this do not usually attract the attention of the press, however this becomes interesting because there is Corby," he said.
Prison life ...  for the first time in nine years, Schapelle Corby will be in a real bed in an actual house, with hot running...
Prison life ... for the first time in nine years, Schapelle Corby will be in a real bed in an actual house, with hot running water and a proper bathroom. Picture: Mercedes Corby Source: News Limited
When Corby finally leaves Kerobokan Jail she will be going from a crowded prison cell to a traditional home in the centre of Bali's busiest tourist district.

But when she goes to sleep at night she will no longer be rubbing shoulders with up to 13 bedfellows lying on mattresses on the floor.

Instead, for the first time in nine years, she will be in a real bed in an actual house, with hot running water and a proper bathroom, secure in the knowledge that nobody will pilfer her meagre belongings during her sleep.

Family home .... Mercedes Corby's Kuta house where Schapelle will live after being released from prison.
Family home .... Mercedes Corby's Kuta house where Schapelle will live after being released from prison. Source: News Limited

The Corbys have agreed that once Schapelle is released on parole, which could be as early as next week, she will live at the home of her sister Mercedes, brother-in-law Wayan Widyartha and their three children.

Fresh start ... Schapelle Corby has told her parole officers she plans to work in the swimwear business run by Mercedes and h...
Fresh start ... Schapelle Corby has told her parole officers she plans to work in the swimwear business run by Mercedes and her husband Wayan. Source: News Limited

The home is part of a traditional Balinese family compound, with a Hindu temple in the middle surrounded by six homes in which about 35 members of Wayan's family live, and where religion and culture are important components of each day.
The home is comfortable and has more Western mod-cons than an average traditional Balinese home in the village, but is by no means palatial.
With a small kitchen and breakfast bar on the ground floor at the entrance along with a bedroom, there are also bedrooms on the second floor.
It is not yet known which of the home's bedrooms Corby will sleep in - because no-one really knows how she will cope after release from so many years in jail.
Privacy ... there are concerns over how Schapelle Corby and her extended family will cope with constant attention from the pu...
Privacy ... there are concerns over how Schapelle Corby and her extended family will cope with constant attention from the public after her release. Source: News Limited
Being all alone in a dark bedroom may be too much, at least initially, and the family is waiting until she is home before deciding on the bedroom and the details. She could sleep with her niece, 12-year-old Nyeleigh, known as Nellie, or she could share with either of her two nephews, Wayan, 14 and Nyoman, seven.

Also unclear is how she will spend her days, although she told her parole officers she planned to work in the swimwear business run Mercedes and Wayan, The Boardroom, which sells surfboards and swimwear and is not far from the house.
There is also a rooftop area similar to that which many homes in Bali have - a flat open air area where there is often a small family Hindu temple, perhaps a place to hang washing or just hang out.
The home itself is only a few kilometres back from Kuta's beachfront but is tucked in a busy laneway off a main street, in a very traditional Balinese area.
The compound is surrounded by a high brick fence and the only access in is via a tight and crazy, busy laneway where motorbikes go backwards and forwards, day and night. There is no room for a car in the laneway, just pedestrians and bikes.
One concern is how both Corby and the rest of the extended family will cope with the intrusive media presence which is expected to follow her every move after she gets out of jail.
Some fear that she will be going from one jail to another. Coupled with that is the fact that Kuta is visited by thousands of Australian tourists, all armed with cameras

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