Friday 7 February 2014

Katy Perry Has Not Seen Your Instagram and 4 More New Insights

She also uses baby wipes, but not for wiping babies

There was more to Katy Perry's revealing GQ interview than the magazine let on. Today, it published outtakes from its chat with the pop star, whose fourth album Prism came out last year. We've already learned what song was playing when she lost her virginity and how the singer dreamed of growing boobs "so big that I can't see my feet," but GQ has compiled a stream of new prismatic musings. Here are five of the best.
1. She is very hygienic. "I'm like Howard Hughes," she said. "I use baby wipes. I brush my teeth. I shower on the daily. I'm very, very clean."
2. She probably hasn't bothered to look at your Instagram. "There's too much self-importance in this world. God knows, I hate an entitled bitch. Like, when people say, 'You didn't see my Instagram?' No, I didn't see your Instagram. I'm doing something else. I'm living my own life. Send it to me if you want me to see it."
3. She does not appreciate your cell phone obsession."Why don't you just try and lay still for 10 minutes while facing upwards, without something in front of you that glows?" she asked.
4. She said she is happy dating a musician, though she didn't specifically say the words "John Mayer."
"The wonderful thing about dating a musician is that they understand the shoes I'm walking in. When both of your first love is music, there's so much that you just don't have to explain. You can save your energy."
5. The first CD she ever bought spontaneously self-destructed.
"[It was] Incubus's [1999] Make Yourself album, which had 'Pardon Me' on it. And I brought it home at the bottom of my knapsack, with stuff on top of it. My parents never searched my bag, but my mom has got a pretty good intuition and a great connection with God, so I thought: she's going to know something's up. So I remember going up to my room and I put my comforter in the crack of the door to make it hard to get in. And I opened it up and tried to pull the CD out and it breaks in two like the Ten Commandments. And I was like, 'Maybe this is a sign. I should never be listening to this music.' Cut to: Now!

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