Monday 10 February 2014

Smilers! Win A Trip To Miami With Miley And Tickets To Her ‘Bangerz’ Tour

++ UPDATE! “Dancing With Miley” contest has been narrowed down to 10 finalists! Check them out in the “Dancing With Miley” video below, and vote for your faves to win tickets to “Bangerz” by watching MTV on Sat., Feb. 8at 4p.m. ET and voting with their team hashtag! ++ 

Smilers, you know how you’ve been choreographing twerk routines and practicing them in the mirror for months to Miley Cyrus‘ “We Can’t Stop” and wondering when all the hard work and dedication would EVER pay off? IT IS YOUR LUCKY DAY. It could all pay off with MTV’s “Dancing With Miley” contest!
(Also, if your eyes aren’t bugging out like Miley’s in this GIF, you’re reacting to this news all wrong.)
You could win tickets to Miley’s “BANGERZ” tour by filming your “We Can’t Stop” dance moments and submitting the video right here via Facebook using #DancingWithMiley! And please: don’t pretend like you don’t already have, like, 50 videos already prepped and ready to go.
The finalists will air during MTV’s dance-movie marathon on Saturday Feb. 8 beginning at 4 p.m., when you can vote on your faves. The video with the most votes scores seats for Miley’s show and the coveted honor of knowing they’re winning at life.
We understand some of you might be a wee bit intimidated to flaunt your twerk to the entire world. So if you’re too shy to reveal your line-dancing move for the public, you can still win a chance to party with Miley in Miami during March Madness by going to! (You’re welcome and you’re welcome.)
So, Smilers, go! Be free! Put that oral fixation to good use and put that side tongue to twerk! And if you need any inspo, check out the 12 finalists!

Miley-Cyrus-Cant-Stop-twerking Submit your #DancingWithMiley dance videos here, and enter to win a trip to Miami with Miley at

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